Question for everyone. I have found a 2003 Genesis Gold on CL, but the top looks like kind of heat tarnished. Will this come off with some elbow grease? The only other issue is the bottom pan is rusted.
Question for everyone. I have found a 2003 Genesis Gold on CL, but the top looks like kind of heat tarnished. Will this come off with some elbow grease? The only other issue is the bottom pan is rusted.
Not sure about the stainless top. But I do know the bottom pan is very easily replaced. I replaced that on both our older webers. They just slide in and out. Easy to clean and/ or replace.
Odds are the inner heat shield rusted away and was removed by the owner. Stainless steel can turn a little "blue" especially the cheap stuff Weber uses. I'm sure a little elbow grease would remove it but it will only come back. No way to prevent it other than to shield the lid from the heat of the grill (which is why the internal liner in the first place) but instead of using quality steel for that liner they used mild steel and they rust badly and fall out