Stainless steel grates?


Ed Lenz

New member
Who has them? What do you think of them? I was cleaning up this morning after Saturday's smoke, and I noticed the chrome (or what ever it is) covering on my stock grate is peeling off. Yesterday's smoke was only the 6th smoke on my WSM. I have only cleaned the grate with a brass brush and paper towels, but I do like to keep my grates clean. Just wondering if any of you folks have experience with the SS grates. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Does food stick more or less? How about clean up? Thanks in advance for ant responses!!
Do you use the SS grate from the Weber store, or are there any after market options avaiable that you know about?
I really liked the tip provided by pro Harry Soo over at Amazon:
...When you need to clean the grates, put the grates in a big plastic trash bag, put on gloves, and spray oven cleaner on the grates while in the bag and let sit for 1/2 hour. Hose off the grates. It's as easy as that. To clean the outsides, I use Simple Green spray.
I don't think Weber sells SS grates to fit the 18" WSM anymore.

I use Easy Off cleaner. It seems to work the best.
If you're gonna soak them inside a plastic bag, I reccomend letting them soak overnite.
I have SS grates on one of my performers and my 26 OTG (It came w/ them).

Yes, the clean up easier. For the 22" they are worth the money, they will last a long time. I know they have sold SS grates for the 18" off and on, but not always.

Of course, the 22" is only for the top grate.
Originally posted by Ed Lenz:
I was cleaning up this morning after Saturday's smoke, and I noticed the chrome (or what ever it is) covering on my stock grate is peeling off.


