Stainless Steel Cleaner?



TVWBB Member
I have a new (1-year old) Summit 450 in stainless steel, and it's been getting a little discolored (downright dirty?)... wondering if anybody has any good hints for getting the stainless steel cleaned up? ... or maybe you have a magic cleaner that works well?? I've tried a few cleaners labeled as "Stainless Steel Cleaner"s, but none of them really did anything to help me out.

Please share any ideas you have on this topic.


I don't have a stainless grill Just porcelain, But for all the stainless we have in our house including the Dacor stove I use Barkeeps friend. If you Use water and a sponge and clean in the direction of the grain of the stainless it does a good job.. I managed to clean an old Performer top to almost new condition. Worth a try, let me know how it works. Also if the stainless is really only dirty I use "sprayaway stainless cleaner" which is only for light cleaning and leaves a thin film of oil to prevent rust.

Good luck
George I am not totally sure you are correct. Barkeeps Friend contains Oxalic Acid which should remove any surface oxidation from the stainless. However if the color is all the way through the steel then you are correct nothing will help

Enough chemistry
I'll second Bar Keeper's Friend.

I use this on all my stainless cookware and sink.


Then, for the appliances, I use 3M Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish

As a side note:

I use wood bleach which is 100 percent oxalic acid to remove rust from very old chrome bicycle parts. I make a solution and soak the parts overnight and like magic the rust which has grown from small pits in the chrome is totally gone!
However some parts are just too rusted to be usable
I'm another that has used the Bar Keepers and it worked great on all the Weber stainless steel I've tried to clean up. I agree with going with the "grain" of the stainless.
I must get me some barkeepers friend, not only for my stainless stuff but I hear it works well on copper (I just picked up some mauviel pieces).

I also hear WD40 works great on stainless. Do not use it on cooking surfaces obviously. But Ive read it cleans it right up. So just use them on outer surfaces. Over on bbqsource forums they use it on the SS grills.
To keep it looking good after you clean it up spray it down with either Enddust or Lemon Pledge and rub with a paper towel.It dose to SS what it dose for fine wood furniture.

