St. Louis Metro



New member
I grew up in Central Illinois but now call STL home. I am a complete newbie in that I have never owned a Weber. My gas grill (junk brand) recently disintegrated and I found this forum while researching the best grills. I hope to learn from others who have refurbed older models.
Welcome aboard JR. Rehabbing a Weber is something to be proud of and you wind up with one o the best gas grills ever made. You are doing a good thing!!!
St. Louis has some excellent authentic Italian (yes, for real) in an area of town called "The Hill."

You can't go wrong at Charlie Gitto's or Zia's. CG us a little on the fancier side and Zia's is a little more casual.

If BBQ is your thing, people rave about Bogart's and Pappy's. You can google both to check them out.

Enjoy your time in the city!
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JR,welcome! I was born in St. Louis many moons ago,and lived in The Hill for the first 4 years of my life! Of course,I haven't been back but twice in the 40+ years since! LOL

