Spirit Owners Do you Regret Not Buying Larger Genesis?



TVWBB Diamond Member
Going to retire my circa 1992 Genesis and at the moment I'm leaning towards a Spirit, same size as my 1000 so I'm not losing any cooking area. Any thoughts from Spirit owners, do you wish you would have gone larger? It's a couple hundred but when you amortize it over how long this grill will last it's negligible. Hell, mine is 21(ish) so that's less than $10 a year.
larry, how ya doin ? i think the spirit is a china made unit as opposed to the genesis which is probably a mix. the guys that sell it at fresno ag told me they didn't like them much, kinda chincy. if you hardly use it then it might be just the thing but i have a sneaky feeling you will be constantly hitting yerself on the forhead sayin " i coulda had a genesis" ! aren't there any good deals on cl out there ?
George, well. That's exactly the thing, I won't use it often and when I do it will be for a quick chicken cook, some veggies, maybe some burgers or hotdogs for the kids. All the heavy grilling is done on my KK or my Weber Kettle. So, I'm thinking Spirit might just do the trick. AND I'm not losing any size from my current gasser. I'll have to go look at the side by side.

Hope all is well in the Central Valley. Vegas is taking some getting used to but it's coming along.
ok, the side by side comparison might just tell the story. have you thought of the q ? ha, cent valley is still cent valley. seems there are more officer involved shootings in fresno which is getting some attention.
Larry - something else to consider is one of the Q300 series. You get a lot of grill for the money with them. I have a little Q100 I picked up off CL for next to nothing and I find that I love to use it for exactly the type of things you listed, especailly for quick week night meals. Just a thought.
I have a Spirit 210 from 2006. The size is good and it is solid, but the problem with it is the burners run horizontal, so to do indirect, you have a long, narrow sliver of the grill. It looks like the new Spirit has the burners vertical. Last year I replaced all the internal parts with stainless and replaced the igniter.

