smoking jacket with stoker?


Nathan Cole

New member
Thank you all for such a great forum. I've only done 10 or so smokes with my 18.5 but almost all of them have been in the wind somehow! I'm thinking I should get that smoking jacket sooner rather than later, and I've also thought about an ATC down the road.

I like the techie-vibe of the Stoker, but does it integrate well with the jacket, since that's designed for the Guru? Is there a better way to achieve what I'm after? I'm much better with computers than with building things.
Although I have never seen anything other than pictures of the Smoking Jacket, I can't see how it would not work with a Stoker. Both Stoker and Guru use one set of the bottom vents as the location for the blower and both use eyelets in the same position to insert the pit probes.

As for deciding whether to purchase a Stoker or a Guru, I can tell you that I have been using a Stoker to control the 4 WSMs that I use when I compete and it has proven itself to me to be an excellent product. I've done 45 contests and countless practice/test/pleasure cooks and it has never failed to perform as advertised.
I can't see any reason why the Guru's smoking jacket wouldn't work either but I'm not that much a fan of it because it seems like it would be a pain getting into the smoker placing probes etc...

I've never used a smoking jacket though but I do alot of smoking in windy weather and I do love my CyberQ II and before that my DigiQ II by the BBQ Guru

I like the idea of a wind break or screen much better. I use two that a buddy built for me but doing them out of plywood would be super cheap and really easy.

You could pretty easily go a lumber yard and have them cut three pieces of plywood (I'd use 3/4 for stability but one grade thinner could work)say 22-24 inches wide each and couple of inches taller than the WSM. Another three smaller pieces that are about 4 inches by 12-15 inches. Also get nine sets of hinges and use two per section to put the three large pieces together and then the remaining three to attach the small pieces one to each larger piece with the hinges placed so the flap bends our away from the smoker. (these will allow you to put bricks down to keep the windscreen staying in place)

I'll try to take a couple of pictures up later of mine which are made of the plastic they make snowplows from (a friend works in the shop that they make the plows in and used left over scraps to make mine)

I live only 90 miles north of you in milwaukee and wind is a big factor. I'm in the process of building a more permanent windscreen for both my 18 and my 22 1/2 WSM's sonc I live only a few blocks from Lake Michigan and get alot of NE wind.
OK, thanks for the info. Your description of the plywood windscreen does make it sound relatively easy to accomplish. If you do have a picture it would be great to see. Chicago's reputation as the windy city seems to be well-deserved, especially in a condo where the streets and alleys act like wind tunnels!
Thanks to you all. I've actually built a screen along the lines of Tom's suggestion, but am having trouble finishing it off. I've started a new thread in the WSM modifications topic to ask for help, so help if you can! All the best.
Here's my favorite smoking jacket...


Sorry I couldn't resist.

