Small world after all lol


Jeff Beitinger

Just a funny (to me anyway) little story I wanted to share.

A few months ago, I sold a Spirit 700 redhead to a local collector/flipper, we will call Fred, that I have sold some grills to in the past, including most recently a red LE kettle.
Not long after, Fred lists the Spirit for sale along with a green Genesis 1000 for only $70.
I tried to get them from him, but was a little late.
Fast forward to last week, and I see a listing on FB marketplace of a red Spirit 700, and a green Genesis 1000 for FREE along with some miscellaneous parts.
I reached out as soon as I saw it, and the lister, we will call Mark, said someone was already coming for them a few days later, but he'd let me know. Heard that all before so I figured it was gone.
Then I asked Mark if he just so happened these grills from the gentleman who listed them for $70 back in April named Fred.
He says yes, they're good friends in fact, and have done lots of trades in the past. Mark got them for free from Fred but decided he's sticking with kettles for restorations. Turns out Mark also has the red LE kettle I sold to Fred, which Mark took in trade for a red oak table top for a performer. I ask Mark if I could see a pic of the performer he made the table top for, and that was when I realized that I had sold that exact grill (a grass green C&B performer) to Mark just over a year ago, and we had forgotten each other! He ended up selling it to Fred!
A couple days later Mark messaged me that the person who was supposed to take the two gassers ghosted him, and that they are mine if I want them. So I went to his place about 20 minutes away, loaded up the Spirit (picking the 1000 up next week when our schedules match), and after a little whirlwind trip among three different guys in the span of about 5 months, that little Spirit 700 redhead is back in my possession awaiting a resto.
Maybe when I'm done I'll reach out to Fred and see if he wants to trade it for the performer I sold Mark last year 😂


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