Slow 'N Sear® Travel Kettle Grill




The Most Portable Kettle Grill on the Market is coming soon!

That is a tough buy when its crazy similar brother the Jumbo Joe here goes for $90 and that is $159.
Maybe it's better????, I see the bottom vent looks a ton easier to use.
For $20 more you can get it with the SNS basket which is a good cheap upgrade, I have this for the JJ an it works very good.
It also has a stainless grate so that is a nice upgrade as well.
I went and purchased the killa grilla in the 18". That little 18 with the killa grilla and the SNS works like a dream.

If I needed to burn some cash and didn't have a travel it looks $179 I can get a bigger Weber too without a stainless grill......

