Securing the Stoker with Internet access


j lewis

New member
I have a Stoker that can be accessed remotely via internet. It is not in the DMZ but running behind the firewall with port 80 open using a Syslink WRT120N router. Is there a way to secure it so if somebody sumbles across they would not be able to mess with it? I am guessing that the web server in the Stoker would be where that function would be located? Any thoughts or suggestions?
I don't think you can secure it as you would need that code to be in embedded in the web server of the device. Also, if you have the Telnet port forwarding to the Stoker then someone could easily brick it if they wanted to.

I think the best thing you could do would be to create a VPN on your router to allow you and only you to have access to your network and once that's established you should be able to access all hosts in your private LAN. It's been a while since I've worn the Network Admin hat so I'm not quite sure how this is done but I'm sure Googling Linksys VPN would get you there.


