Royal Oak


Roger Grissom

New member
Going to Walmart today to buy my first bag today. Will be grilling Italian Sausage with it tonight. Always used Cowboy brand until I'll read reviews about how good RO is. I'll post a report.
I like it, and it's usually my go-to lump since it's readily available. IMHO, it doesn't spark as much as Cowboy. I've still found pieces of rock and kiln in it though :/
Hi Roger,

Over here, i do not have a lot of choice over charcoal so i most always end up buying Royal Oak coal and i can tell you that i like it very much ... i did not see the difference when i used kingsford (at twice the price) or other brand !
Hot Italian sausage, and grilled potato slices with canola oil, crack black pepper, and tuffle salt mmmmmmmmmm. Cooked over Royal Oak charcoal, good stuff!


