Rotisserie on sale at Home Depot


Michael Berry

I saw a GENESIS E&S rotisserie on clearance at Home Depot marked down from 79.99 to 27.06. I have a 2001 silver C. Would this one fit? It's a # 7519. Anybody know if it's agood one? Thanks
I think the grates are bigger on the newer Genesis's which leads me to believe it won't fit, but please let me know if I'm wrong. (I love a silver C too).
i'll measure it this morning and let y'all know. Any suggestions about which model rotisserie would be a good one for the silver c if this one doesnt fit? I see them on CL from time to time
I don't believe it would fit. I bought this one in the spring for my 2005 Gold C. Didn't fit. From an e-mail exchange with Weber the model I would need is the #7517.
I would check the mounting bracket and if it is the same then I would get it. The spit could be too long but only a small amount I think. If you had to order a new spit that would still be a great deal. ( the motor is about $50 from Weber)

My neighbor had a weber and the motor went south so he last year at end of season bought a generic one marked down to about $25 and just used the motor all the rest he kept the weber.

So I would get it and go from there
The rotisserie on sale is for the newer Genesis (26 1/2" from outside edge to outside edge) however I THINK the spit may have the rotator shaft ground down to fit the older one too. Measure you grill base from edge to edge and check that against the rotisserie on sale. If the rounded part of the spit will fit in the slots of your grill, you'll be good.

(I had to modify and older model rotisserie to fit in the newer Genesis by grinding a new "rotator slot" on the spit. Works fine.)

Yep, measured it and the rounded sections of the spit are too far apart to fit on mine. Might get it anyway if I can modify it or get a different size spit to fit in the motor. Thanks for the ideas guys

