rotisserie newb... need some tips please..



I have my rotisserie on its way in hopefully it will be here by Saturday. Can’t wait to throw a chicken on there. So I have never used on before and need some tips
I have a spirit grill with three burners going east to west so here are my questions.

Burner settings? Sides high middle off?

Average time to do a chicken or two? I have a thermapen so I can check temps when it gets close.

Thanks for the help!
Nice, my favorite way to cook chicken is rotisserie.

A few tips from my experience:

- You will need to take out the cooking grates in order for the chicken to turn freely
- Tie the chicken up with butchers twine so the legs & wings don't flop everywhere. This will ensure the chicken turns smoothly
- Maintain the temp between 350-400
- Front/back burners med-high depending on outside temp & middle burner off
- Start taking the internal temp after 1 hour, max cooking time 1 1/2 hours


