Repairing 2000 Genesis End Caps


Ron Mel

New member
Has anyone been successful repairing a broken end cap on a Genesis grill? A wind storm tipped my 2000 Genesis Silver C and it ended up breaking the plastic handle and one of the end caps near where the handle attaches. I was able to epoxy the handle together, but the end cap doesn't want to seem to remain "fixed". I used a high temp epoxy and it held for a little while, but opening and closing the lid multiple time proved to be too much for it.

Any ideas on if that metal can somehow be rejoined or am I destined to find a donor grill on CL? The break is just above the point where the handle attaches.

Thanks for any ideas,
Excellent suggestion. I hadn't contacted them previously on this because I didn't thin they'd still have these parts available. I guess I was wrong. I called and the they have the end cap in stock, but apparently it's somewhat different and they need to send a right side and new handle also. It'll be interesting to see if it all fits together when it arrives.

Another reason to own a Weber!


