Ready to purchase stoker.....



New member
Is the standard 5 CFM fan good enough if i have added a stacker to the WSM, or should I bump up to the 10 CFM fan??
Kevin, I have the 5 and have never wanted for anything more powerful. However, I don't have the Stacker, for the extra $10 or whatever it happens to be I'd probably go with the 10 just to be on the safe side. I'd also consider buying your eyelets from Guru (if you don't already have some installed). Here's are PICTURES of what Rock is shipping now, go to the bottom pictures. What pisses me off is what he shows on his website is not what you receive. I called (prior to John's health problems)/emailed and of course no one ever got back to me. Every time I look at the install of this I get pissed off. I have two Guru eyelets installed and they're great, fit flush, no sharp edge hanging out to get caught on your probe wires as you thread them through, I have no idea what the hell Rocks was thinking.

That little rant aside, I love my Stoker and you will too, fantastic unit.
I suppose I could, however, it's not the aesthetics that bothers me (although it does look goofy) as much as how careful you have to be when threading your probe not to scrape the sides of edges of the tube and scrape the coating on your probe. Every time I use them I feel like I'm playing a game of Operation (the kids game where you try not to touch the sides when removing body parts). I'd have the same problem but in reverse if I repositioned the eyelet. It also pisses me off that Rocks shows one thing on their website and then send you something else and then won't call you back when you want to ask them about it/return it.

Again, huge Stoker fan and I'll continue to recommend it, just think someone wasn't thinking when they "redesigned" this piece.
It looks like he shows the tube with 2 locking collars and ships a flared tube on one side to eliminate one of the locking collars. Seems like something you could easily make yourself, but I understand your disappointment.
According to the website, the upgrade to the 10 is $60.00..which is a little steep if I dont need it. 10 bucks wouldn't have been an issue.
Must be Guru that only charges an additional $10 for the upgrade to the larger blower. I agree, for $60 I wouldn't worry about it. For the money I'd purchase an additional food probe, maybe high heat. I ended up ordering one (standard) a few weeks after I got my Stoker and use both food probes regularly.

Regarding "easily making something myself", I wish, I can barely screw the lid back on a bottle of aspirin. I actually screw'd up installing the wheels on my OTG, LOL!!! Not very mechanical over here I'm afraid.
As Larry suggested, I would order an extra food probe AND an extra temperature probe. Why the extra temperature probe? I ordered an extra one as a backup. This was over a month ago and still haven't received it. He also charges something like $12 shipping for just the probe, so spending the extra money for backup probes will guarantee that you won't be without the Stoker if something happens to one of the probes. BTW, I tried to order the high-temperature probe a while ago and got a note saying that he doesn't have any in stock (I think he just prototyped it, but not sure).

