Raspberry Pi Mating to HM4.2.4


Dave McK

New member
Problem mating Raspberry Pi to HM4.2.4

Hi all,

I am close to finishing my first HM build but having a problem mating the Raspberry Pi Model B. I have removed the RCA jack but when I try to mate it to the HM 4.2.4 it seems that the last pin in the 8-pin header labeled P2 on the Pi is colliding with the piezo buzzer on the HM. Have I missed a step? or doing something wrong? Do I need to clip off this pin too? I didn't see any issue like this mentioned anywhere in the forums. I also couldn't find good pictures of the the RPi mated to the HeaterMeter.

Here are photos of my problem child:



Any suggestions?

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Hey look at this guy here with a Raspberry Pi original Model B!

On the third revision they stopped populating that header. That was back well over a year ago so I think that's why you don't see it mentioned here, they're just pretty rare. I have one though... and the pins are clipped. Those two headers, one is for the ethernet jtag and the other is for the videocore jtag. EDIT: jtag is a debugging/programming header to get at the chip internals. That's not something we, or 99.999999% of people would ever use. It's a factory or board development header.
Indeed! I got in on the second Raspberry Pi production batch after the initial release. After some searching for pictures I now see the differences. I'll just snip it then!

Thanks again for developing this amazing project. I'm having a blast assembling it. Your instructions have been incredibly easy to follow.

