question about apple brine recipe


John G. G.

New member
Probably a simple question but here it goes. THE APPLE BRINE recipe calls for "4 ounces fresh ginger, unpeeled and thinly sliced
15 whole cloves"

15 whole cloves of what? Or is that trying to say 15 whole cloves of ginger?

This is my first time brining and first time smoking a turkey. Wish me luck
The 4 ounces of ginger you get in the fresh vegetable section of your supermarket. It equals out to about 1/4 of a pound. As for the 15 whole cloves you will find that in the spice section of the store under whole cloves. take 15 pieces out and add to the brine. I hope this helps. Good luck with the cook and remember to post pictures of your cook.
HAHAHA. I just got it. Cloves. Not as in cloves of something but cloves the spice.
Another question for you: I am doing a 20 pound turkey for Thanksgiving, what ratios should I use for the brine because the recipe has a 12-14 pound bird in mind.

Been having a bit of a time determining what 4oz of ginger translates to roughly in "thumbs" or inches. Anyone have any input on this? I'm a little gun shy on ginger and don't want to ruin the whole thing.


Use the scale in the produce dept of your grocery store. 4 oz = 1/4lb. Will get you pretty close.

Scotty W.

