Problem connecting stoker to mac case of beer reward


Rich S

TVWBB Member
Hi all,
I used to use my stoker with my PC. I got a stoker 2 a few months back and now I am trying to set it up with my wife apple computer. It looks like there is an "airport" that is is wired to a verizon router. I have tried connecting an ethernet cable to the airport and put it in the ip address into the web browser but the computer says it can't find it. I am not familiar with apple, what am i doing wrong? Also i thought that with the stoker 2 you didnt need a router. My iPhone does not "see" a stoker network to connect to. Im offering a case of beer to the person that can get me up and running. Beer is of course your choice!! :-)
thanks in advance
Happy New Year! Apple typically uses a different range of IP addresses. On the Mac, go to Applications -> Utilities -> AirPort Utility.
* Click on the picture of the AirPort and a popup will appear.
* Select the "Edit" button in the lower righthand corner
* Select the "Network" tab at the top
* Look at the DHCP Range - it typically is something like 10.0.1.x to 10.0.1.y (Windows uses 192.168.0.x typically but Macs are 10.0.1.x)
* Find an IP address in that range that isn't being used already (typically just select one that is an IP address in a higher range)
* On the Stoker - go to Network -> IP Addr and select it. Manually enter in an IP address and save it

From there, you should be able to plug in your Stoker with an ethernet, turn it on and access it via a web browser. If memory servers, you need to access it when it is physically connected to the router with an ethernet cable and then through the web page setup WiFi (I could be wrong about that one). Good luck!

