Pressure Canning

I am curious: are any of you avid canners?

Do you have a favorite site to recommend?

In a couple other threads I found recommendations for the Ball Blue Book (from McBob) and from @Larry D. (I hope you are doing well!).

I pressure can bone broth quit often as it took to much freezer space to store. I tried to do soups but the vegetable's got too soft and the taste changed. Rose is great for all sorts of canning and prepper type info. Check out her canning playlist.
I have this question whose answer I have not yet located. I'm not asking anyone to search for me but I want to ask if any of you already have this answer: let's say I make several quarts of vegetable soup on a Saturday but prefer not performing the canning function on the same day. Can I pack cold soup the next day and pressure can it? Or must I simmer the soup before pressure canning?

I have this question whose answer I have not yet located. I'm not asking anyone to search for me but I want to ask if any of you already have this answer: let's say I make several quarts of vegetable soup on a Saturday but prefer not performing the canning function on the same day. Can I pack cold soup the next day and pressure can it? Or must I simmer the soup before pressure canning?

From my research you would need to get it to at least get it to warm to hot stage before canning to make sure it does not crack and contents get to correct temps. If anyone has something different I would like to know.
Thanks Joe. I didn't know if I could pack it in unheated jars and then place them in unheated water in the canner before processing.
I may do a test some day. Can 2 quarts of a basically uncooked veggie soup and see what happens, as even with barely cooked veggies they come out too soft by the time they are done.

