Pre-Build Questions - HeaterMeter and Damper for Big Joe



New member
New member but a long-time follower of the HM forum.

I am planning to build a HeaterMeter for a Big Joe (equivalent in size to an XL BGE) and wanted to see if any forum members have advice on blower size/damper recommendations. I have been assuming that the standard blower would be acceptable but thought best to ask the experts.

The standard blower will be more than plenty. I run a KJ classic and would not hesitate to use the same fan on the KJBJ.
There are only 3 fan/blowers that are running around the forums right now - the official HM blower, the sunon blower that the adapt-a-damper uses, and the inline fan that the microdamper uses. All three are more than capable of running a Big Joe.
Jason, I had asked Chris Allingham to remove the MacroDamper as a sticky for just that reason. The MacroDamper was designed for HUGE pits in mind. Since the MicroDamper accepts any 40mm fan (up to 20mm in height) it can handle fans capable of up to 30CFM at a substantial pressure which should handle any backyard pit without problem. But the "official", "everyday" fan that I specify for the MicroDamper handles everything from kettles to UDS to large cabinets. A kamado, even a large kamado is no problem for any of the fans being used on current dampers right now.

