Portable Power with the Stoker (Long)


Gerd H

TVWBB Super Fan
There are 3 or 4 threads I found on here relating to using a portable power station for your stoker (or guru) when you do not have access to hard wired electric (at a competiton or camping for example). If you don't have a generator, using a portable battery pack may be a viable option. I wanted to add my personal experience to the mix for those wondering how well it works, and what specific product I used. For a more detailed look at the amp requitements of the stoker device, do a search and you'll find some good threads.

This weekend I was running a single stoker 10cfm fan at a competition. Typically our contests have power, however (somewhat at the last minute), I learned we'd have none this weekend. I did a quick feature compare of several "emergency battery jumpstart" systems to see which one would meet my needs. Specifically, I needed one with enough juice to run the system for an entire 'long slow' cook. I also required it to have an inverter with AC outlet for simple plug in without the need for an adapter. I wanted to spend no more than $100. Lastly, I had to be able to pick it up local rather than ordering it online because i needed it the same day.

Based on my criteria, with the "local last minute pick up" being very much a constraint, I settled on two finalists:


It did not take me long to convince myself that the stoker was not going to be subjected to the whims of a Harbor Freight electrical product, even though the features were theoretically more desirable.

So I picked up the Electromate 400 at Walmart, brought it home, and plugged it in for initial charging. The directions tell you to charge 48 hours on initial charge. Unfortunately .... I had about 16. I am hoping the 48 figure assumes a fully drained battery. I have a couple clues that my battery was not sitting on the shelf very long, so I am reasonably sure I gave it a full charge. According to the (not detailed enough) power meter on the Electromate, mine was fully charged by the time I had to pack up and leave for the competition. Time will tell if I have a permanently weak battery on my hands.

The moment of truth: Once at the competition, I started the stoker's pit at about 10 PM, running the stoker immediately. The stoker went through the normal set up, and I breathed a sigh of relief as it operated normally right away. I turned the stoker off at about 1 PM the following day, achieving 13 hours of continuous use. A battery test yielded the "Recharge Now" light. I assume I would have been able to get at least 2 more hours out of it.

In conclusion, for the size of a fishing tackle box, I was impressed with the electromate, and consider it good insurance. I will probably bring it along to most competitions, even if we will have power available.

