Pork Tender Failure


Steve Petrone

TVWBB Platinum Member
I know I have a lot to learn. I do screw up occasionally. But 3 x's I over salted a pork tender. Yuck. Next time pepper only. How do you screw up like that 3x's ???
Cooking can be humbling. I used a spice blend (Regas seasoning) from the Regas restaurant in Knoxville-closing soon. It must be 90% salt. When you shake it-just a little visible spice comes out. What you don't see is the fine salt pouring out !!!!!!!!
This is the reason I make my own rubs without salt in them. If I want salt I put that on the meat before I add the rub. A lot of commercial rubs also use quite a bit of msg in them which I try to avoid.
Steve,pork tenders are so lean,I usually just do S & P,maybe a little garlic powder. I only use store bought rubs on something that's gonna cook a while.
But keep trying. You'll get it right!
I can guarantee that "enhanced" doesn't help! Could be that rub really is almost all salt and especially, like you mention, it being so fine, there is a lot going down if your treating it like a "conventional" rub.
First few rubs I made up, I whizzed them (food processor) until they were almost a powder (that's when I was still putting salt in the rub). Talk about a general flavor overload!

