Pizzaque arriving today


Matt Rector

I've ordered a Pizzaque attachment for one of my Performers, and it is supposed to be delivered today. I was wondering, do I sprinkle cornmeal on the stone before preheating it, or preheat the stone and then sprinkle the cornmeal on it to keep the pizza from sticking? Do I even need cornmeal on the stone? I know I need it on the peel, but I'm not sure if the stone needs it. Any help in technique would be much appreciated.

Sorry, posted in the wrong place originally!
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I've ordered a Pizzaque attachment for one of my Performers, and it is supposed to be delivered today. I was wondering, do I sprinkle cornmeal on the stone before preheating it, or preheat the stone and then sprinkle the cornmeal on it to keep the pizza from sticking? Do I even need cornmeal on the stone? I know I need it on the peel, but I'm not sure if the stone needs it. Any help in technique would be much appreciated.

Hey Matt,

Here's a couple opinions from me, but you know what they say about opinions...

If you have it or can find it, I prefer using semolina to cornmeal. The semolina acts sort of like a bunch of ball bearings, to help the pizza slide easily off the peel. Cornmeal does the same thing, but I like the texture that you get from using semolina better than cornmeal. YMMV.

As to your main question, I like to shape the dough into the pizza disc, then set it on a peel generously dusted with semolina (or cornmeal), and build the pie on that peel. Jiggle it back and forth a few times during the process to make sure it's not sticking.

I would not put cornmeal or semolina directly on the stone, as it will burn... Just put a generous amount on the peel, and enough of it will adhere to the bottom crust that you won't have issues with crust sticking to the stone.

I'm making pizzas tomorrow, as well. We picked up the ingredients last night and I can't wait! Be sure to take some photos!
Thanks Chris, extremely useful! I will try the Semolina, on the peel only. I'll take pictures, I hope they don't end up being a documentation of a catastrophic first try! I've been told it takes a few attempts to get it right.
Thanks Chris, extremely useful! I will try the Semolina, on the peel only. I'll take pictures, I hope they don't end up being a documentation of a catastrophic first try! I've been told it takes a few attempts to get it right.

It took me two attempts to get something I was reasonably happy with, but I'm a tough critic of my own work. I think the biggest thing you'll want to try to avoid on your first shot is to not burn them. In my first attempt, I didn't have enough heat, and I overcompensated on my second attempt to the point that the back edge of one of my pies actually caught fire. XD

