Pizza oven in my kettle ....


Andy K

TVWBB Member
Well I've broken down and jumped on the pizza kettle/modification band wagon! I bought the pizza kettle and th D shaped 21" and the full circle 21" stone in hopes of seeing what type of pizza I can create with this. It seems pretty close to what I've read as the wary to go to get the needed temps. What I don't se much discussion about is using the minion method to help keep up the heat. Any thoughts on that?
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So I'm excited to see what I can create with my pizza set up - Im hoping the products are worth the costs because when you add up the cost on the stones, kettle ring, additional grates and peels- it all gets pretty costly rather quick! I've promised the wife that this will be worth the expense if we can do this at home and use it for entertaining.

There is a couple of things that I need some clarification from those that know - how many pounds for coal and wood are people using to cook a coupe pies? Especially when people are preheating the stones to 600 degrees for 30-60 minutes prior to the pies going in? Seems to me that a full chimney of hot coal using the minion method is needed with a few logs! So that would be around 5 pounds of coal(?).

Lastly, any good ways to season the stones? I read about Canola oil and baking the stones to help set the seasoning. Any experience with that technique?

Thanks to those that can add some thoughts and share their experiences!


