Pizza on firebricks?


Russell McNeely

TVWBB Wizard
I really want to try my first pizza tommorrow on the kettle and I don't have a stone. I do however have a dozen firebricks. I have an inexpensive metal pizza pan and my wife sometimes makes them in the oven on a regular baking sheet.

I was thinking about just fashioning a stone out of firebricks and cook it directly on the bricks (just lay the bricks flat out on the cooking grate). Is there any reason I shouldn't do this? Has anyone tried this and had success or failure? I did do a search and found one thread with some discussion about this technique but not a lot.

I know many people like to place their stones on firebricks to get them closer to the lid, but was wondering if I could just cook directly on bricks.
May have to buy a stone if the firebrick thing doesn't work for me. With the money I spent on firebricks, probably could have bought one
. The bricks just seemed like a good idea at the time.
I think I would just cook it on your pizza pan lifted on a couple bricks. It seems like I've seen people on here do it like that with success. I've always used my pizza stone before though so I can't speak from personal experience. I think I got my stone for around $10. Nothing special but it does the job.

Good luck!
michael: Thanks for looking that up!

I have tried the pit boys method with the chimney bricks(with holes) and i have done pizza with normal fire bricks. Both work good. But if you use the normal fire bricks. Build a heavy fire and let em get really hot before you add the pizza. This will take some fuel and time but its worth it. I can recomend the Primo ceramic pizza stone. Its glazed on the top and do a great job on pizzas.
Thanks for link, I have heard that if you use regular bricks that they can explode on you and that you have to use the fire brick. I think I will invest in a pizza stone.
Thanks everyone!

Micheal - thanks for posting that link. I actually did see it when Daniel posted it and it was very helpful.

Daniel - your reply was exactly what I was looking for. The bricks I have are just normal fire bricks (no holes). I knew you could use the chimney bricks (didn't realize that's what they were) as in the video but wasn't sure about normal ones. And thanks for the recommendation on the stone. I'll keep it in mind.

Justin - I also thought about using that approach and just lifting my regular pizza pan upon bricks.

I suppose it's like many things on the grill. You just have to try a method or two and see what works for you. Thanks again guys.

