Pit Beef - Reheating


Brian B.

I'm making a pit beef tonight for the wife and I (pics to be posted), but we are holding a good amount of it for a party tomorrow night. If you were serving it the day after, would you go cold or reheated?

I was thinking about taking it to my butcher to have them slice it thin, but then was torn about how to reheat. Maybe just a little bit of time in the oven?

Any thoughts appreciated.
The finished product. I definitely will add more horseradish to my sauce next time and leave the rub on the beef overnight. All in all it was a good meal at a great price.



Wow, as a long-term resident of Maryland, (yes, I am a Balti-moron) this may be the only BBQ topic I am qualified to comment on. :)

Your beef looks awesome! What was the internal temp when you took it off the grill?

If it's not sliced yet, I would light a few charcoals and put it back on the Weber. I'd really hate to cook it anymore, since it looks so good, but it seems like all of the local pit beef places leave theirs on the grill all day to stay warm.

What time should I come by for a sam-ich?
We like it a little more rare than not, so I pulled it at 125 and let it rest for about 15 minutes. I was 130 when I cut into it.

I actually did this on the gasser, so I'm going to be curious what it is like when I have time to do it on the WSM.
I would put it whole into a warm oven and just heat it slow , since its so rare it will stay nice and moist. Looks really good.

I was born, raised and educated (UMBC Retrievers do it doggy style :rolleyes:) in MD then got transplanted by the career and ex-wife to NVa. I have to try this MD pit beef recipe. Thank you for posting....

