Pimp my WSM....

[Man, I'm feeling retarded trying to post these pics. Should know better. 'ts been a while... . OK, 3rd attempt to get this right....]

First of all thx for all the great mod suggestions by various users of this forum.

After I got my WSM 22.5 earlier this week, I finally had time to put it together on Friday and Saturday!

Friday evening:

Some serious "out-of-round" condition of the door (and the mid section as I found out later on)


Started fabricating 4 handles for mid section (just some bending):


Attached legs and drilled holes (pilot holes drilled shown) for caster wheels:



Assembled WSM with wheels and 4 handles on mid section:


Installed 2 grommets:


Close up:


Wheels. I'm not happy about the slack of the wheels. I will replace the wheels asap.


Installed "handles" on the lower grate:


Added a washer behind the upper grate holder for better fit:


Inside view with grommets:


Working to improve the fit of the door (I had to work on the mid section, too):


Fire grate setup (sorry for the hardware used):


Close up:


Another close up:


Decided to add holders for grommets in handles on both sides of the door:


Close up:


Another close up:


That's it so far.

To do:

* Replace wheels
* maybe install holder on mid section for grilling/smoking tools
* maybe add holder for Stoker (when I get it, might be not so good an idea with the temp...?)
* maybe add lid holder (see this post)
* attach lid to id section with hinge and add mechanism to lock bottom to mid section (see this post)
* <STRIKE>high heat door mod</STRIKE> (see this post) Will do extra ventillation if high heat is needed. See post link below.
* Nomex Tape Seal (see this post)
* Extra ventillation vent (see this post)

J, the title of your post had me wondering?? The pimps, oh, I mean pics, didn't come through on my end.

Now go cook something!!!!

NIce mods! I've done the charcoal grate to the charcoal ring mod myself. I also need to change the wheels on mine. I didn't drill one of the holes straight,and it wobbles. I also used some cheap wheels I had laying around. Gotta get some new ones one of these days!
I'm going to ask fairly dumb question...

I just got back from Lowe's looking to buy some grommets similar to the ones installed above. I talked to three people at Lowe's (including the manager) and they all looked at me like I had three eyes when I asked if they carried this. I even went so far as to show them a pic on my iPhone. That said, where can I find the materials? I have no issue with drilling the hole and installing, I just can't find them. Any help would greatly appreciated.
I went to Lowes today and found grommets in lamp section. They have a nice package of multiple lengths from 1/2" to 2".

They were in the middle of the isle in our Lowes in Illinois.
Found them at Home Depot a little earlier today. Hopefully I'll get them installed this weekend since I don't have a cook planned at this time, although I'm hoping that might change.

