Pancakes on a Smokey Joe


Mark R-S

Last week I visited a friend's cabin so I took my SJS and GA with me. I used the GA for grilling, and The Smokey Joe for doing pancakes. I've got an excellent little discada which fits the Smokey Joe perfectly. The pancakes were delicious


Very nice. I always thought pancakes were done inside and flapjacks outside? Those are flapjacks right?

To much Grizzy Adams from me.
I bought the discada in Finland - I call it a discada because I don't know what else to call it
It's too shallow to be called a wok. It's made by a Finnish company called Muurikkaa. I use their smallest one on the SJS, and it fits perfectly.

I didn't use much coal. First I grilled on the GA, using one layer of Weber briquets (similar to Kingsford). Then I transferred the coals along with an extra hand-full to the SJS for doing the pancakes. I'm not sure how long they lasted, but long enough to grill and do pancakes for 9 people.

Troy, I thought flapjacks were thick things made of oats, but I'm originally British
My wife is Finnish, and she makes what I can only describe as flapjack pancakes, and they're really good

Originally posted by Brian O'Neal:
That picture could be a Weber Grill Ad, beautiful.

Thanks. I was flipping pancakes with one hand and taking pictures with my phone in the other

Here's a picture I took later on in the evening - This was at about 12:30 in the night:


Originally posted by Mark R-S:
I bought the discada in Finland - I call it a discada because I don't know what else to call it
It's too shallow to be called a wok. It's made by a Finnish company called Muurikkaa. I use their smallest one on the SJS, and it fits perfectly.

I didn't use much coal. First I grilled on the GA, using one layer of Weber briquets (similar to Kingsford). Then I transferred the coals along with an extra hand-full to the SJS for doing the pancakes. I'm not sure how long they lasted, but long enough to grill and do pancakes for 9 people.

Troy, I thought flapjacks were thick things made of oats, but I'm originally British
My wife is Finnish, and she makes what I can only describe as flapjack pancakes, and they're really good


That is really cool. What size is it? I only see 48 cm and 58 cm models available, both of which would be too big for the SJS.
I have 2 -18&3/4 inch discs. I used 2 old plow discs & had the center hole welded up. I use a propane turkey fryer when cooking on mine, but going to try the SJ @ next camp out. They are called several names. Cowboy Woks, Discardas & Discs. You can Google & find a lot of people making them. discs & burners combos. I like these fellows in Texas. There are a lot of people making discs & prices vary. Shipping makes a big difference to. Discs have some weight to them. There are lots of Videos on You Tube too. Seems like everybody is making 22" discs. Wishbone-Ks

