Override the default "From" e-mail field in Stokerlog

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jeff P
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Jeff P

Hello all
I just got my stoker yesterday and got through setting up all the wireless networking and testing with stokerlog V5. The only issue I have now is comcast rejects my test e-mails. I ran a network capture with wireshark and found they reject it because the From address is StokerLog@stokerlog.com and stokerlog.com is a unknown host since it's not actually registered in DNS.
Is there a way to override this setting or does anyone know another SMTP server I can point this at? I can go ahead and look at setting up a gmail account since I've seen threads where people were using that.

I did not think to make that programmable. But can make that change if there is interest....
Thanks Amir!
I'll give it a shot. For other comcast users I did find a workaround by using gmail and then e-mailing to my phone.
Looks like same results. I changed the from in the GUI/registry to be stokerlog@comcast.net but when sending the test I get
197 101.827936 SMTP S: 550 5.1.0 <stokerlog@stokerlog.com> sender rejected : invalid sender domain
Do you mind uninstalling the pervious version and installing again? I won't have time today to check it out but will do later tonight or tomorrow.

I'm actually starting an overnite cook so I'll try again tomorrow or Sun. However, when I installed v5a I had to uninstall V5.0 for the install to proceed.
Well, I am out of ideas. I searched through the install for the string and it is not there.

I went ahead and copied the file to the download site again. Can you try one more time?
I'm making burgers tonite
(30-45 min at 225)
so I'll test the stokerlog settings after that.

I uninstalled the old version and removed all reg keys and installed the new one and the e-mail override worked fine. The version I downloaded today did have a different file size than the one I downloaded on 7/29 (6,527,488 bytes vs. 6,528,512 bytes)
Thanks for your help Amir.

So maybe I had copied the wrong file the first time. I am glad it worked out. This bug may have impacted others who reported random problems with notifications. So you may have helped a bunch of others

This fixed my problems as well. Many thanks for your program. I just ordered two more meat probes, so I'll get to play with multiple probes now

thanks again for fixing this!

