Our Weber family is growing!

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We just bought a Weber Jumbo Joe this afternoon. It has an 18-1/2" grill and will be perfect for camping and traveling. I've got two butterflied chickens to throw on tonight. The weather here has been absolutely gorgeous this week.

I also finished planting our herb garden today. I've got quite the variety!

Parsley - curly leaf
Parsley - flat leaf
Pineapple sage
Regular sage
Garlic chives
Lavendar - two types

Time to go outside and have a beer while I put together the new grill.


Hi Kelly,
I've been keeping an eye open for a good deal on a Jumbo Joe, but so far I can only find them for around $50-60. There was one website that had them on sale for $32, but when I called the company they said they were out of stock and not getting any more. /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif

I paid full price for ours, and it was worth every penny. Besides, Kevin is going to be working a whole lot of overtime in April, which means I'll probably work more than usual too (I work at home). That means we can afford a new toy or two. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

Yeah, basically...the Jumbo Joe (Smokey Joe Platinum), is an 18-1/2" Silver One Touch Kettle that has had it's legs chopped and modified. It also has that very cool flip-up carrying handle that goes over the lid. I don't really need another grill, but I would like to have a nice portable to take anywhere. I prefer the large cooking area of the Jumbo Joe over the smaller Smokey Joe models. The legs are designed to be stronger too. I'll get one one of these days.

I'm gonna break in both of our new Weber kettles today. The 26-3/4" and the 22-1/2". Wil be grilling chicken halves "Portuguese Style". Rubbed with Olive Oil, Hot Sauce, Garlic, and Sea Salt.
Grilling 8 chicken halves for everybody and a semi-boneless leg of lamb too. The lamb was marinated in Wine, Olive Oil, Garlic, and some Rosemary & Thyme.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rocky:
[qb]I'm gonna break in both of our new Weber kettles today. The 26-3/4" and the 22-1/2". Wil be grilling chicken halves "Portuguese Style". Rubbed with Olive Oil, Hot Sauce, Garlic, and Sea Salt.
Grilling 8 chicken halves for everybody and a semi-boneless leg of lamb too. The lamb was marinated in Wine, Olive Oil, Garlic, and some Rosemary & Thyme.[/qb] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Sounds Great, Rocky.
I'd like to see a pic of your Big Kettle loaded up. What kind of hot sauce are you using on the chicken halves?
I think I'd hide the leg of lamb if you're going to have company for dinner. Sounds too good to share! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
Happy Easter!
Hi Ronnie,
I didn't get any pictures this time. My camera is broken. My mom's camera didn't have any film in it either. I'll have to get my old Nikon camera back from my sister.

I fit all 8 chicken halves on the 26-3/4" Kettle (barely). They were good size butterball chickens too. Grilled the Lamb on the 22-1/2" Kettle. Both grills worked great.

I started the charcoal briquettes in both grills with fire starter sticks. That's the first time I ever used those sticks. They work great! I bought a mess of them from an Army Surplus store online several months ago. They were marked down to about $1.50 for packs of 12, so I bought about 20 packs and cleaned them out...lol. They seem to last forever and work even if they get wet.

I have tried this Portuguese recipe for the chicken using mild sauces like Franks and Texas Pete, but I found that good 'ol Tabasco works best. The chicken was spicy, but not too hot. The sea salt really works great with the olive oil and garlic.

The lamb was really good too, took it off at 170 internal temp. Was barely pink...and really juicy.

