Ordered my Stoker


Scott P.

TVWBB Super Fan
I just called and ordered my Stoker. I've been wanting one for a long time, but had a hard time convincing the wife about something that cost twice the price of the smoker itself. She finally relented this weekend. I just hope she wasn't kidding. I have a cook off on the 7th and 8th, so I am hoping to have enough time to get at least one practice run in with it. They assured me it would ship in the next couple days. Now I should start looking around the house for stuff to sell.

I am looking forward to nights with actual sleep and the ability to concentrate on other things while the smoker is chugging away. Micromanaging the vents was getting old.
Congrats. You will really enjoy it. I bought mine at the same time as my stoker and have done countless overnight cooks. The concept of worrying about the fire dying in the middle of the night or overshooting is foreign to me :).
As long as they ship it by Wednesday (tomorrow), I will be happy. I really would like at least one practice run with it.

