One Touch Platinum Help

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I am in the process of taking my locally scored platinum. I am trying to take the one touch system off the bottom. Since the previous owner installed the ring wrong(tabs inside the leg holes not in the slots on inside of leg). But I cannont get the sweeper assembly off in order to get ring off. I know on my silver the sweeper comes off with a wing type nut. Is the sweeper on the platinum installed at factory and pressed together. Or can I dissasemble it at home. Also if it has to be cut off will the easier to install sweepers from the silver fit on the platinum. Any help is appreciated.
One Touch Platinum Owners Manual
The handle needs to be turned to align with the slots. Reference first pic.


My handle will not turn at all. I twisted on it till I felt it was going to break. Is there a trick I am missing. Thanks for the manual link I had already printed it.But it did not show how to install or remove handle. Just shows it already installed. I was able to fix the ring without taking the handle off. But the sweepers are not tight to the bowl bottom. So I am still going to have to remove to tweak them.
AQ, is yours like the one in the pic on the Blue bowl above? If so, it looks like there is no wing nut, but maybe it is a friction/compression fitting. Try squeezing/pinching the two tabs toward each other and see if that releases the handle to slide out. Maybe the two tabs have to align the holes exactly to release the rod for removal.

When you say it won't turn, do you mean it won't sweep side to side to move the sweep blades, or do you mean you can't get it out to dissamble?

The Platinum came with a factory installed Stainless Steel One Touch system, rather than dealer/owner installed aluminized steel like on the Silver. So, they are different systems, which is why it doesn't use the wing nut. And, you surely would prefer to keep the SS ones, instead of installing the aluminized steel replacements (which will eventually - several years - rust, and need to be replaced again).

Don't rush this, but wait til others reply to help you with yours.
The unit still sweeps side to side. I cannot get the handle to spin around to line up any tabs to pull it out. I am goint to see if it is a matter of pushing tabs in or out gently.
Robert, it may be some setting on my computer that I don't know about, and if so I am sorry for this redundancy. Your post above with two pics displays to me as right next to each other, and I can't pan to the right to see the second pic. I had to right click and email it to myself to view it. So...

AQ, it looks like the handle does not need to spin around to line up bumps or grooves to extract. It looks like those two tabs are all that is holding it in. Using pliers, try to gently squeeze the two tabs toward each other, and see if that frees the handle. If that doesn't work, try it again, while inside the kettle bowl, gently place some downward pressure on the top side of the fitting with the two tabs.

Please repost if this works, because Robert is dealing with the same issue in this thread.
Am having the same problem removing the blades. No wing nut but cannot seem to figure out how to remove the sweeper wings. One of the sweepers is bent upwards and hitting the propane tube. Cannot bend sweeper wing until I can remove to do so. HELP !!!

Bob J

I have been so busy grilling on my other weber that I have not had the chance to mess with it. Actually it is hot right now I just used it to grill with the sweepers the way they are. Just could not resist. Love having a side table. I will take a look at it tommorow when I get off of work tommorow.
Can you elaborate. I still cannot figure out how to get the thing off so I can bend and straighten one of the blades so it does not hit the propane tube every time I clean the ash bin.

Bob J
I purchased a Blue OTG kettle, less that 2 years ago. The sweeper was attached I just had to install the ring, exactly how yours is. The directions had me slide the ring over the sweeper bar and eventually got it in. I wanted to take it all part last year and clean and I to was stumped by removing this. Like you I did not want to break it. I said oh well and just blew it off. My other kettle has the wing nut type thing which is simple to remove. Sorry this didnt help but...your not alone on this mysterious ash catcher removal
place the screw driver tip between the handle and washer ( in the middel of the two tabs ) and pry the washer away from the handle. rotate the handel ( it has a tab that goes in a slot in the washer ). ill take some pics when get home.
hey Terry, im prob the last person that should reply, but...I just go to Then upload from my computer and post the link to each pic...thats the only way I know how.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by doug ep:
Robert, it may be some setting on my computer that I don't know about, and if so I am sorry for this redundancy. Your post above with two pics displays to me as right next to each other, and I can't pan to the right to see the second pic. I had to right click and email it to myself to view it. So... </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

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