Old Linksys WRT54G Wireless Router and Stoker


Rick Hamilton

TVWBB Member
Been using my Stoker for a bit now and very happy with it. I have it connected to my computer via wire. I have an old Linksys WRT54G wireless router. Will that work with my Stoker or do I need more/different stuff?


Are you asking what you need to do to go wireless and eliminate your wired ethernet connection you are currently using?

If so, as Larry mentioned also, you need more than a wireless router. You need a wireless bridge or similar device to connect to your stoker so it can connect wirelessly to your router.

A router like that must be hardwired to your internet source ( your house connection or another router ).

I use an ASUS WL-330gE Multi- Functional Wireless AP setup to serve as a bridge to connect to my Linksys router that serves my house. I didn't want to buy a dedicated bridge or one of those goofy gaming adapters.

I like the WL-330gE as it is really small and simple, not too expensive and it can do a whole lot more than what I'm using it for should I ever need it to.

Note, if you are good with networking, you can reprogram your WRT54G to act as a wireless bridge by using DD-WRT firmware ( search for it ) - assuming you have another wireless router that serves your house.

Mind you that this endeavor can be rather frustrating, I tried it but lost my patience with it. It is possible, but you have to be very careful. My issues were around maintaining the level of security in my wireless without making compromises.

Good luck,
This is what I use at comps. If you don't need internet access (or don't have access) then just create your own 3 node wireless network:

Laptop - that's it!!

I have an old WRT54G that I plug directly (or hardwired) into the stoker. The network id is STOKER_NET and it's WEP encryption so no other team can play with it.

The laptop simply connects to the STOKER_NET network wirelessly. You don't need a bridge or game port although I have been able to make this work with a linksys game adapter as well.

At home I have another router running DD-WRT that stays in the office. I use a Linksys game adapter to connect the stoker to the wireless network. I can therefore connect to the internet and the stoker at the same time.

Routers are cheap and if you're in IT they can be "found" for nothing. That's why I just have a spare I bring around to contests. There are at least 2 other teams that I know that do this.

Pete: You might also try the Tomato firmware. I've had good luck with DD-WRT so I stay with that.

A WRT54GL for $65 with the manufacturer's firmware replaced with DD-WRT is a great combination and gives you a router, or bridge, or ap with much less cost than buying what folks call a wireless gaming adapter.

Is a decent overview. GL is preferred model because it has more internal memory - it can hold the standard build.

The GL model is really the old 54g v4. Use V24 firmware - it's the current stable firmware. You have to load the mini firmware build first because of a limitation with the stock Linksys loader. Once the DD-WRT mini is loaded, you then load the Standard build.

Describes the DD-WRT restore-factory-defaults procedure you will need to know.

Is essential reading before attempting to replace the flash - especially the part about TFTP which I had to use to recover from a mistake of my own making. You probably already have TFTP but just need to enable it. (It can also be obtained from Linksys and other sites).

Provides guidance on how to setup on Client Bridged mode into existing home WiFi network. At home you DON'T want the bridge assigning IP addresses to the Stoker, you want your home router doing that.

Read over everything first and type up your own version of the update procedure as a memory aid. You will be rewarded with a much better router than you would believe.
I use a WRT54GL with Tomato firmware installed as a bridge. I keep the stoker and the WRT54GL in a tupperware box and connect wirelessly to a dir-655 router. I've been using the above setup for over a year and am very happy with it.

