Bryan Mayland
TVWBB Hall of Fame
A few years back I got fed up with critters eating all my peppers in the garden so I started growing them indoors with a grow light to much success. You know I can't have anything without covering it in sensors and electronics so obviously the whole thing is now monitored and controlled within an inch of its life with no fewer than 7 wifi-enabled ports doing various jobs from running the irrigation pump, to controlling the air circulation, and of course just turning the light on/off/dim. This weekend I wanted to try controlling the air circulator to maintain a constant humidity point, as the San Marzano tomatoes I am growing just put out a TON of moisture to the point they were getting moldy. There was already a controller in there with a BME280 temp/humidity sensor in there reporting back to Node-RED every 5 minutes so how hard can it be?
That is the entirety of the PID controller code (apart from publishing the 'out' variable)! Even with the 5 minute reporting interval it can respond to a 10% setpoint change in just 4 or 5 updates. It just amuses me how trivial it is to implement controller code without using any sort of library. And hopefully, tomatoes in my near future.
var h = Number(msg.payload.ENV.Humidity);
if (ctx.lastH === 0)
ctx.lastH = h;
var sp = ctx.config.setpoint;
var delta = h - sp;
var p = delta * ctx.config.p;
var i = ctx.sumI + (delta * ctx.config.i);
var d = (h - ctx.lastH) * ctx.config.d;
var out = p + i + d;
if (out < 100.0 && out > 0.0)
ctx.sumI = i;
ctx.lastH = h;