No wifi, or ethernet



New build. Wifi was working initially and i was able to access network setup to add my home network info. HM had disconnected from my computer via wifi, pressumably to asume only be seen through my router, whcih i was able to access from. It didnt seem to save my settings completely and i lost connection again. Now my usb wifi device doesn't light up anymore, i can't access the HM using a CAT5 cable either. No IP is given unless i give the HM power with the usb wifi plugged in, wait ten seconds or so and then plug in a CAT5. The IP given, however doesn't work when I attempt to connect to it via my computer (with its wifi off). At one point i had accidently plugged a cat5 for the blower into my computer's ethernet, could that have fried it?
Is there a way to clear the memory of the HM and start fresh? Note I have no access to the HM anymore whether it be from wifi or ethernet.

The only way I can even see the HM trying to work now is if I reflash the SD card. For about 10 seconds or so it transmits the "heatermeter" wifi ssid, but once I login on the computer it stops working
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It sounds like it is coming up on firstboot then the config restore is restoring your broken configuration. See How do I prevent config restoration?

An easier way to stop it is to flash the snapshot firmware, give it a couple minutes to get the firmware all settled, then use the "Reset config" from the HeaterMeter menus which will reset ALL the config (the v12 only resets the HeaterMeter, not the OpenWrt).
You can safely leave it in there. If you ever flash a new firmware after you edit it, it will wipe that out and remove it for you.

