New WSM Owner - ET-73 Wireless Thermometer Question



TVWBB Diamond Member
Greetings, I think I'm posting this in the right Forum, my other thought was New WSM Owners.

Anyhow, my new Maverick ET-73 just arrived today and I was curious what is the best method to position these probes. Before I go on I do want to mention that I had an "el cheapo" Taylor digital with probe and a Maverick single probe wireless unit that I used on my first three smokes. I returned these units for this unit single unit. With the former units I ran the Taylor through the door for meat temp. and positioned the Maverick through one of the top vents for lid temp.

With the former configuration I had to balance the probe in the vent just perfectly so it wouldn't touch the meat and wouldn't touch the lid, but balance somewhere in-between. Not tough, but I would like an easier setup. Running the Taylor through the door let in a bit more "O" than I would have liked making temp. control a bit tough. I suppose I could run the wire for the meat probe under the lid, but that too will let in unwanted "O."

Any suggestions from you WSM Pros?

Thanks in advance the advice is always appreciated.

Update: I just read the manual that came the ET-73 and evidently it comes with a grill bracket that holds the chamber probe on the grill measuring temp. at the grill vs. lid. Should I be measuring temp here vs. the lid?
Larry, I put the guru eyelets in my wsm. Guess what-I never use them. The more I use the smoker, the simpler I get. Just run the probes under the lid. One in the meat, one on the grate with the supplied clip. For less than $40 this is a great value-even w/o the antenna mod. Enjoy your ET-73. This is a great teaching tool as well. It will help you understand whats going on with the meat.
You are going to like the Maverick.

First, I take the wire stand that supports the probe unit and turn it upside down so the probe unit can then hang from the top rim of the middle section of the smoker. When you place the cover on top of it, that makes the unit stand out away from the smoker - keeping it far enough away from the heat.

I think the best solution for the probes is the Guru eyelets, which replace two of the screws that hold the grill brackets. I place the smoke chamber probe through one eyelet hole and clip it to the upper grill. Then the other through the other eyelet hole and into the piece of meat which I think will get done first.

When it is done, I move the probe to the next piece of meet I think will be done, and so on.

Others may have solutions which you prefer, but this seems simple and works well for me.
Ok, two stupid questions; One, what is the antenna mod? Two, What is a Guru eyelet?

Please keep in mind I am not mechanically inclined, not in the least bit; as-a-matter of fact I screwed up building (for me it was building vs. assembling) my One Touch Gold (OTG) this week and forgot to put the wheels on, but, I'd put on the little wheel caps (the ones you have to hammer on to that bar) and couldn't figure out how to get them off to put the wheels on as they wouldn't pull off. So, if it's not super simple I have to have my SO interpret the instructions to our gardener who does mechanical odds and ends for me. By-the-way, he got a good laugh when he saw that I'd tried to put my OTG together by myself and forgot to put the wheels on. He told the SO (in Spanish of course so I couldn't understand him), "you should hide every tool in the house from him."

Thanks in advance.
Maverick really needs to make some modifications of their own to these units. Having to open a battery compartment to switch the power on and off is STUPID. There should be a power button on the front of the probe unit.

The first time I used my ET-73 the smoker probe shorted even though I was very careful not to overheat it. Compared to probes for other manufacturers, these probes look VERY flimsy.

Anyway, Maverick customer support has been pretty good SO FAR about reacting to the problems I've experienced.
Jim, I'm trying not to be dense here but I cannot envision how you are positioning the stand that supports the probe. You wouldn't happen to have a picture of it would you? My email address is in my profile.

Matt, you want to talk about a "stupid" design, the el-cheapo Taylor I had did not have an on/off switch, you had to remove the battery to turn it off. LOL!!!
I have a digital wall clock with a remote outdoor temperature sensor and they don't have off switches. I also have a stand alone table top digital room thermometer. The room thermometer, clock and remote sensor all use two AA batteries. The batteries last for six months to a year. With an LCD display, why should a cooking thermometer be any different than a digital clock or room digital thermometer? Maybe Maverick should redesign their thermometer and remote for low power consumption?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by LarryR:
Jim, I'm trying not to be dense here but I cannot envision how you are positioning the stand that supports the probe. You wouldn't happen to have a picture of it would you? My email address is in my profile.

Matt, you want to talk about a "stupid" design, the el-cheapo Taylor I had did not have an on/off switch, you had to remove the battery to turn it off. LOL!!! </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Larry, I will take a picture of that this evening. I am just walking out of the house to go "shopping" with my wife. Wish me luck.
Jim, thanks for the picture, "it's worth a 1,000 words." I never would have figured that out. The the hole that the wires are going through is the Guru thing, right? Do you get a lot of "O" coming in through the lid where you have the Maverick hanging from?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by LarryR:
Jim, thanks for the picture, "it's worth a 1,000 words." I never would have figured that out. The the hole that the wires are going through is the Guru thing, right? Do you get a lot of "O" coming in through the lid where you have the Maverick hanging from? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

The lid is totally sealed. The wire is outside the edge of the lid altogether. It just pushes the the Maverick away from the body of the WSM.
thanks for that pic. i was wondering if my leads for my et-73 would reach the table next to the WSM, but now that is not an issue

