New weather cover


Al S.

New member
I'm looking for a replacement cover for my Weber performer which is 11 or 12 years old, and all the covers I see listed are only supposed to fit models from 2005 and later. They look to me like they will fit; anyone know for sure?
If your performer is 11 - 12 years old, then it may be the stainless table top version. You will need part # 8701, these pop up on ebay once in a while or you can call weber customer service for additional help
Dave, I called Weber and they sent me the correct cover for my SS performer as you suggested to Al S.

Al S. I'd give Weber a call and tell them what you have, they are always helpfull.
2005 was the first year of the plastic table performer and they have changed very little since then. I have a 2008 and I’m sure a 2014 cover would fit mine just fine.

Prior to 2005 performers were a little smaller, a lot lower and had a SS table.

If you think the grill is older than 2005 and it has a plastic table it might be a platinum, they looked just like performers with the cart and single table to the side. The give away fetcher is platinums did not have propane igniters and performers did.

