New Stoker Wifi setup problems


Jeff Rushe

TVWBB Member
Struggling through getting my new Stoker Wifi properly configured.

Before I get into the details, should I be worried that the firmware version on my unit is showing up as ... and NOT 2.7?

On to the main issue - trying to figure out why the wifi itself doesn't seem to be working. I enabled it, but I am unable to communicate with it via a web browser. I entered in the Stoker IP address into my router's port forwarding rules. If I connect the stoker to my router directly via e-net I can access the webpage, but not when it's disconnected.

Anyone have any input on confirming whether or not the settings I'm changing within my router is actually correct? I've got a D-Link router and I'm assuming I need to enter in the Stoker IP into the "Port Forwarding" settings. It asks "Ports to Open" with 2 available fields: TCP & UDP. I've entered in 80 for both.

Sound right? Am I getting closer? Anything else I need to check?

Thanks all!
I just got my Stoker unpacked and am working on my first cook with it. I asked this same question earlier (Subject Stoker Wi-Fi). According to a helpful poster here, the Wi-Fi Stokers have been shipping with the Wi-Fi disabled. Not sure why (other than they may still be working on code), but you will notice there is no place to enter SSID and password information.

You dont need port forwarding unless you plan on checking your cooker from outside your home network. If you are, then port 80 for TCP and UDP should work fine, just realize that all web traffic from outside of your network coming into your network will be forwarded to your stoker. Not a big deal unless you plan on or are currently running something else on that port.

And no, I have no ETA on when the Wi-fi will be enabled, I was fortunate that I had an extra 50 ft ethernet cable lying around or there would have been no stoker bbq.
Oh, wifi is disabled permanently until they release an update??

Gotcha...makes total sense now. I read it wrong and thought the setting itself needed to be enabled within the unit.

This is kind of disappointing, don't you think?? Did I miss a memo or something?

Thanks Darrin...
@Jeff: Yeah kinda disappointing, but Id rather it be somewhat tested before released. On the plus side, the black > white IMO. And yes, that would explain the difference in versions.

Auto-update worked well once I had the network info, they will hopefully update that way.
Oh well. Hopefully it won't take too long to get the update out.

Either way, looking forward to trying this out in its "stand alone" mode tomorrow!
The Wifi wasn't working properly so Rock's held back the 2.7 software until September (final date pending at last look) on the new Black Boxes. There is actually a press release and more info on Rock's website explaining this.

They will send out an e-mail to all purchasers when the software has been loaded to their site. You can download it to your Stoker via ethernet from there (or send your boxes back to Rock's with $12 for shipping and they'll do it for you).

Until then it's hardwire or basic use.
Yes, I saw that as well as hearing back from Rock's customer support. They too could not confirm a solid release date.

Anyway, my first cook with the Stoker was a success - although it was only a couple whole birds I still felt everything went extremely smooth and looking forward to a much longer cook in the next week or so!
LOL I should have read this before posting in other thread. Oops!

Thanks for the info

