New Stoker on its way


Mark P.

New member
I ordered a Stoker a couple of weeks ago, and it shipped yesterday. I am really looking forward to its arrival, especially since the colder weather is starting.

I don't want to lose much time trying to figure out how to get my network set up once my Stoker arrives, so I would like to have that part done before it even shows up.

So, I would like to put a device at the other end of the Airport Express that will be dedicated to my Stoker, that will let me test whether my settings are good. My only problem is, I don't actually understand what sort of device would do the trick. Can I connect another computer to the Airport Express and do something to test whether I have an open port? Or is there something else?

I'm sorry this question seems fairy unclear; thanks for any help,

Thanks Bill. Once you got the Stoker's Airport Express in WDS, was it straightforward? I really want to be able to pull up (control) the Stoker from my iphone using the internet.

Yes, I plugged in the stoker and got the ip address and was all set. I have not figured out how to directly control the stoker from the iphone but use remote login to get to the network and it works well. I wish I knew how to make a "stoker app".
One suggestion. Set "static IP" address on stoker. That way, when you use my stokerlog program, you don't have to keep looking up the IP address assigned to stoker.

Stokerlog remembers the IP address so if it is always the same, you can just start the program, hit "start" and you are good to go.

BTW, stokerlog as a simulation mode so you can download and play with it in advance of your stoker arriving. You will see much of the functionality of the stoker in the program.
Thanks for the idea Amir. I did not know that Stokerlog had a simulation mode.

I'm pretty much Mac'd up in my house, but I keep an old XP notebook for just such uses. I'll haul it out.


