New sjs owner with a question (picture)


Mickey M

Closed Account

This looks like a great forum and I'm glad it's here.

I have done some reading of this forum and see that most of not many members think trying to smoke anything in the sjs or sjg is not very effective.

But I think imparting some smoke flavor is possible.

So here's the question: Would using a small cast iron pan serve as a good drip pan/divider in an sjs used for indirect cooking OR in an attempt to smoke?

The little cast iron pan in the picture below looks like it leaves plenty of room for the indirect cooking method.

We use cast iron pans at home almost exclusivley and they really absorb heat. Would they absork too much heat if used in a sjs as a drip pan/divider?

Thank you.
First things first. Welcome to the site. It's the best BBq forum on the Web.
If you haven't yet check out the Mii Smoker Mod I highly recomend it. It's the easiest way to smoke with your SJ.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Mac McClure:
First things first. Welcome to the site. It's the best BBq forum on the Web.
If you haven't yet check out the Mii Smoker Mod I highly recomend it. It's the easiest way to smoke with your SJ. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Mac, thanks for pointing me to that but it looks a little complicated for me to do right now.

But I was looking at my Weber chimney and the vents in the bottom of the sjs. It looks like if the legs are removed from the sjs it might sit nicely, maybe even snugly, atop the chimney.

Has anyone here ever removed the legs from their's, filled up the chimney with coals and when the flame died down, used something to burrown down among the coals and toss in some water soaked wood chips and sat the sjs on top of the chimney?

I wonder if it would send 200 deg. heat or close to it up through those vents into the kettle?

And if the temperature was good, how long would it last?

I bet somebody here has tried it. I searched but I couldn't find anything on it.
there have been others who have smoked indirectly on their sj's. i know i used to do my fatties in my sj with the coals on one side and the fatties on the other. you seem to have good ideas so go ahead and try them and let us know how it works. i just got two pans like that so i may try that also.

