New Genesis in the House


Bill Schultz

TVWBB Hall of Fame
So I splurged on myself, the 5 year old CharBroiler rusted from the inside out. Badly. So after reading and studying up on the grills bought my self a Genesis S330 today.
Also picked up the rotisserie set up for it and am going to use that for my first cook this weekend. Any suggestions or tips from you guys on things to watch for, temp to cook at etc. for whole chicken. Actually never did rotisserie before looking forward to it.
What color did you get? I had my eye on the copper one but couldn't really justify it last year. Sooon... (plus pics!)
When I spin a bird I put my spice and some butter under the skin and truss the bird. I cook it around 375 for about 1.5hr. The skin browns nicely at that temp. I pull it when the temp on the inside of the thigh reaches 170.

