Well, I'm now the (proud?) owner of a new-to-me genesis ep-320. Went by Ace HW last night to try and see a Spirit EP-310 and see if I'd be happy with it. Found out they're a canceled product at the store, so no bueno. So I start talking to the manager about seasonal sales, when do they refresh the model year, etc because I'd like the Genesis line but only if it's on sale. He said he had one in the back that they took a return on after being used about a month, and that he'd discount it heavily.
So we go back there and it is apparently an EP-320, but whatever use it had in that month was absolutely brutal. It looked like whatever they had in it caught on fire and/or they left it on high for the full length of a propane tank. The stainless bars were toast, having taken the brunt of the heat, and were completely ruined. Hard to believe, but they had oxidation all over, no hint of stainless anything left, and after working them with a wire brush for a few minutes, all I got was a clean rust/iron colored surface. The SS grates and warmer rack had lots of scorch marks all over them, but they looked like they would clean up well with some soaking and a brush, as the residue would flake off when scraped. Burners looked overheated but in good shape, mostly clean and worked well when we went outside to test it. Side burner was fine, worked fine. Fire box had char marks along each edge on the outside, and the powder coat along the rear rail behind the lid was flaking off (due to overheat?). Inside, the lid was scorched with a residue of some sort. Cookbox was scorched black inside and also had some buildup of something. Was also missing a rubber grommet and a screw on the back.
Anyway, it was clearly abused. Not sure why the heck they took it back, but there it sat.
We called Weber and ran the SN to make sure it hadn't been registered yet to make sure I could get the warranty on it.
Guy said to name a price so I said $50. He laughed. I went up to $100 and he got on the phone w/ the other manager. We settled at $150 since I was also buying stuff to clean it with, replacement bars and a cover to go with it.
Turns out the SS flavorizer bars, usually $85, were on a "red tag" (?) special or something, found in a special sale isle instead of with the weber parts, and were only $30.
So I wind up with a Genesis EP-320 in need of a lot of cleaning for $180. Bought the grill cover and some tools to clean it with, and with taxes, total damage was $254 and some change.
Now just to get it out of the truck and get to cleaning it... Guess I know what I'm doing Saturday.
edit - apparently he** is a bad word, changed it
So we go back there and it is apparently an EP-320, but whatever use it had in that month was absolutely brutal. It looked like whatever they had in it caught on fire and/or they left it on high for the full length of a propane tank. The stainless bars were toast, having taken the brunt of the heat, and were completely ruined. Hard to believe, but they had oxidation all over, no hint of stainless anything left, and after working them with a wire brush for a few minutes, all I got was a clean rust/iron colored surface. The SS grates and warmer rack had lots of scorch marks all over them, but they looked like they would clean up well with some soaking and a brush, as the residue would flake off when scraped. Burners looked overheated but in good shape, mostly clean and worked well when we went outside to test it. Side burner was fine, worked fine. Fire box had char marks along each edge on the outside, and the powder coat along the rear rail behind the lid was flaking off (due to overheat?). Inside, the lid was scorched with a residue of some sort. Cookbox was scorched black inside and also had some buildup of something. Was also missing a rubber grommet and a screw on the back.
Anyway, it was clearly abused. Not sure why the heck they took it back, but there it sat.
We called Weber and ran the SN to make sure it hadn't been registered yet to make sure I could get the warranty on it.
Guy said to name a price so I said $50. He laughed. I went up to $100 and he got on the phone w/ the other manager. We settled at $150 since I was also buying stuff to clean it with, replacement bars and a cover to go with it.
Turns out the SS flavorizer bars, usually $85, were on a "red tag" (?) special or something, found in a special sale isle instead of with the weber parts, and were only $30.
So I wind up with a Genesis EP-320 in need of a lot of cleaning for $180. Bought the grill cover and some tools to clean it with, and with taxes, total damage was $254 and some change.
Now just to get it out of the truck and get to cleaning it... Guess I know what I'm doing Saturday.
edit - apparently he** is a bad word, changed it