New builder's tale of caution. . . . . FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTOINS CAREFULLY!!!!!


Brian Kennedy

New member
Howdy all,

Another HM lives as of tonight, but it does so a week behind schedule. I made some "mistakes" when I built the thing a week ago, let me tell you about them in hopes that others who come after me might avoid the same headaches.

So, problem number one was probably relying on reading instructions either off of my phone or small tablet as I was putting things together. In hindsight, I wish I had printed the instructions before I had even opened the box. It's easy to misread things from a tiny LED screen (like what SIDE things are supposed to go on,) especially if you're a little older or enjoying strong beers (check and check.)

Problem number 2, was having installed the display contrast pot on the wrong side.

Problem number 3, having installed the 5-way button on the wrong side.

Problem number 4, (yeah, no kidding, I'm a flippin idiot. . . ) having installed the display ON THE WRONG SIDE.

FFS, everything was installed beautifully, other than it was on the wrong side of the GD board. I didn't realize my gross error until I went to temporarily install the status LEDs, and found that the top holes were partially obscured by the display. I managed to de-solder and separate the display from the HM board, wrecked the trim pot trying to remove it, and eventually got the 5-way switch off in one piece. A trip to Radio-Smack yielded a trim pot that I was able to alter well enough to restore the contrast function.

So, the story has a happy ending as I was able to make it all work as it should, but I sure as hell blew a lot of time pulling my fat from the fire. I probably spent as much time fixing those three mis-installed items as I did assembling the rest of the device. Maybe not, but it sure feels like I did. I hope that future first time builders might heed my warning and avoid the embarrassment of sending a PM to Bryan asking if switches were available and admitting that you might be a touch 'tarded.

Big THANKS once again to Bryan for everything he does, and a THANKS IN ADVANCE to all of you who I'm sure to pester with questions in the future. :)

First thing, welcome to the site Brian.
What you posted is all correct. When I ht my forty's over twenty years ago, I realized that I not only needed glasses, but also needed better lighting for just about everything I did. I now use things like headlights and magnifying headlights when I am working on projects like this. You have stated your case in a very concise manor that all should listen to. Well said and enjoy the results with great Q.
Brian, don't worry about it. What I get a kick out of is seeing properly spelled words in posts and emails that are obviously the result of spell check gone very wrong. That crutch has bitten me in the but more than once. What is really important is the words you used and the sentiments expressed were spot on. Didn't notice any spelling errors, just noticed someone who was looking out for others and not worried about how it made you look. We should all aspire to the same thing. Again, well said!!!!

