Need help setting up westell7500


Ryan N.

New member
I'm trying to set up my stoker for access outside my network. I have a westell 7500 modem/router I have been searching for a "how to" online but havent had much luck.Not alot of help out there for this paticular model. I dont know much about networking. I can access my router and port forwarding settings page. Does anyone have one of these any help would greatly be aprecieated.
I will get you started.

Login to the router. If you are in a type network, it is (type that in the browser).

Then go to Security->Services->Port Forwarding.

Once there select New Custom Service. Give it a name (e.g. stoker). Put 80 for all three ports.

Then click add.

Next you have to create an account on a dynamic dns sight. Dyndns is a good place to start. Once you create an account there, you get a URL that that then points to your router. By typing that into browser window, it should connect to the router and work.

Note that I have found that with this router, you can NOT test any of this from inside of your home network. The router detects that and doesn't let the traffic come back. You need to use your phone or some other network to connect to it externally.

If this works great. If it doesn't, then it is going to be hard to troubleshoot remotely

Good luck.
Well,I still have had no luck. I have tried your suggestions and still nothing. Is this just a bad modem to do this with? Is their a easier model to deal with for a novice.Or is this an isp problem blocking port 80? Thanks for your help this is a great place with great people.

Hang in there, pal. Don't give up - we're here to help.

Are you able to see the Stoker from inside your network using its local IP address? In other words, can you type 'http://x.x.x.x' in a browser address bar, hit return, and see the Stoker's web interface? That's the first step, and it's not clear from your posts whether you've been able to do that or not. If not, let's start with that. If you are able to see your Stoker locally, we can try to work toward passing traffic to it from the internet. Looking at your modem/router's manual here, I'm not sure it'll be straightforward but we can give it a shot.
Hi Dave,
Yes I can see the stoker locally. I can pull up the web interface and even run stokerlog. I've gone into modem page went to firewall then port forwarding. From there I select "a new sevice profile#1". Then create new custom service (I'll call it Stoker) then push the port forwarding button. next is protocol,my options are tcp,udp or both. Next is global port start global port end and base host port. I out in 80 for all three. apply those settings than brings up another page where I select the service rule Stoker push the host button. Then for hosted service I select the stoker on "discovered lan device" which pulls up the stoker ip address. apply that and thats it. Also created a no-ip account but even that still cant acces stoker. Hope this helps, maybe im no doing something right or there's another thing I gotta switch. Thank you for your time

The user guide mentions on page 113 that you may need to lower the overall security setting on your router to "Medium" in order to pass traffic to your Stoker or other defined service. Have you tried that?

This router doesn't follow conventional names for routing-related stuff, so it's quite a challenge to try to translate what they're saying and the way the controls are implemented into the language that the rest of the world uses.

If we can't get this router set up so you can get at your Stoker over the 'net and you're still keen on doing so, you may want to throw in the towel on the Westell 7500 and set it up in bridge mode so it just passes all traffic to a more user-friendly router behind it. Then we can get that "inner" router setup the way you need it.

Keep in mind, of course, that if you can see your Stoker on the internet then everyone else can too. Hopefully it requires a login in order to change any of the settings, right? We wouldn't want anyone to turn your precious butts into lumps of coal, would we? :-)

I checked the security settings and it was set on low,so that should be good. I'm starting to lean towards replacing the westell. We got it when we signed up for service must have been about 3 years now. One reason I chose an ATC was for the capability to monitor my cook away from home. Ideally, we would all have time to hang out in the back yard and enjoy the hobby that we love but life often gets in the way of that. And yes, stoker can be password protected. Nobody's burning my butts.

I think that switching the Westell into bridge mode and setting up a more capable router behind it is a wise choice. There are lots of forum and blog posts out there from folks trying to do just what you're doing, and I see more frustration than success. I don't have a particular router in mind to recommend to you, but there are loads of reviews available online.


