Need a replacement Genesis 1100 drip tray


Doug in MA

New member
Totally bummed to discover my drip tray is full of grease clogged rust holes at the end of my recent "restore" of my Genesis 1100 "Redhead". I can't believe these aren't still available as old stock or from a third party somewhere. I'm literally blown away. Given that most grills of this age with original trays will be in the same condition, I'm not holding out much hope of finding one in good shape.

I figure my best bet might be someone who purchased a replacement only a few years ago and is moving on to bigger and hotter things. If anyone has a relatively recent drip tray in good condition, please PM me. I'm just trying to get a few more years out of her before I move on, myself.
Yes the drip tray is one of parts you can no longer get for the x000 grills. Same for the toggle button for the igniter. Your only hope is to find a used grill with a tray in better shape. It always depends how the grills have been stored.

