My next rebuild

Damn, $20 looks like a true steal. Stop by a Catholic church on your way back and say a confession for your "sin" LOL
Matt, that is a steal. Congrats on that redhead. We love ours. If I were you, I would consider buying a lottery ticket since you luck seems to be running strong today.
Matt, that is a steal. Congrats on that redhead. We love ours. If I were you, I would consider buying a lottery ticket since you luck seems to be running strong today.

Got really lucky, best shape of any I have done so far. Brand new cooking grates, full propane tank, cover, burners work beautifully. I will need to replace the flavorizer bars and I'll put new wood on it. Going to do all dark Cedar with clear coat. I'll post before and after pics when I'm done.

I keep telling myself I'm going to keep these, but every time I do one, it turns out better then the one from before. I sell the last one I built and keep the one I like better. I've done this 3 times already.

