My first cooking with Stoker & BGE is planned for tomorrow


Bertrand Jenner

New member
Any suggestions / recommendations ?

I received it yesterday, plugged it, IP is set up, Twitter as well, StokerX installed on my Mac and talking to the unit, probes calibration checked...

I will cook a 10 Lb turkey in my Large Big Green Egg for tomorrow night, Mad Max Style...
Congrats. I have a different ceramic smoker but I think the advice holds for both. Set your top vent to be very small. On mine, it is quarter of an inch or so.

Make sure you install the stoker blower the right orientation. It has a damper that needs to normally be in closed position. If you install upside down, it will stay open all the time and let the wind go through and mess things up.

Make sure your blower probe is an inch or so away from the bird. Otherwise, it will read too low of a temp.

