Sounds like a pretty good deal to me...I have seen a few go for $600-$900 (Summit S-650), but also some for $1400-$1600...Newer Summits are hard to find on CL. I buy a lot of Weber grills and the latest guy I talked to wants $1200 for one that is less than a year old (I think the main diff. would be built in rotisserie housing in side table?). If someone paid over $2000 for one of these grills within the last couple years, it is tough for them to want to take a real big hit on the depreciation. Some people would not pay that much for a used grill, but what is the alternative?? I wouldn't really think of it as spending $1000 on a grill(I try to use this argument with grill purchases on my wife and it has worked pretty well)-because if you use it for a season or two and decide you don't want it, you could still probably get within a hundred or two of what you paid (or better)-your grill is basically the same as a 2011 grill and it has already depreciated to a price where you are not going to see a big dropoff from year to year-especially if it is taken care of.