My craigslist find - 2008 Weber s-670


David Ward

Well, it's not a $200 find like some get, but on the other hand it's not a fixer upper either. Snagged a 2008 model with no issues for $1,000

Photo is a little off from the shadows of the deck support. This sucker looks 100% new and has been stored under a deck while covered.

If you had said you got that bad boy for $75 or $100 I was going to have to drive to McDonough, GA just to smack ya!

Congratulations on a serious grill!

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That's a great CL find Dave!
That grill will last you forever. Send some pics of your cooks on that monster!
Thanks guys....

I also rescued a Q100 from craigslist a few hours after we bought the Summit. Going to clean it up so my oldest daughter can take it on camping trips this fall.

Wife said not more grills though....
Sounds like a pretty good deal to me...I have seen a few go for $600-$900 (Summit S-650), but also some for $1400-$1600...Newer Summits are hard to find on CL. I buy a lot of Weber grills and the latest guy I talked to wants $1200 for one that is less than a year old (I think the main diff. would be built in rotisserie housing in side table?). If someone paid over $2000 for one of these grills within the last couple years, it is tough for them to want to take a real big hit on the depreciation. Some people would not pay that much for a used grill, but what is the alternative?? I wouldn't really think of it as spending $1000 on a grill(I try to use this argument with grill purchases on my wife and it has worked pretty well)-because if you use it for a season or two and decide you don't want it, you could still probably get within a hundred or two of what you paid (or better)-your grill is basically the same as a 2011 grill and it has already depreciated to a price where you are not going to see a big dropoff from year to year-especially if it is taken care of.
The fellow I bought it from said he paid $2,300 in 2008. He is being transferred to PA soon and did not want to pay the exense of packing and shipping it. He is going to replace it with an egg when he gets settled in.

He's happy, and so are we
Good to hear. The guy that was considering selling his S-670 to me decided to keep it. I offered $1100 and he said he decided to keep it. Maybe in a another season or two...

