Marinated Corn on the Cob Grilled



New member
I am going to try this on Friday.

Corn on the Cob. (probably silver queen as its the more popular in eastern NC).

12 ears of corn.
1 lime (for juice)
4 table spoons of dried Cilantro (estimated, maybe more or less).
2 sticks of butter (light)
Either 1 teaspoon or 1/2 a teaspoon of Chili powder

Combine all ingredients and apply to corn. Place in a sealed bag and let marinate for 2 days.

At cook time I will foil wrap each cob and grill until tender.

What do you guys think? Has anyone done anything similar?

Tips and suggestions alwasy welcome!!
I am not an expert on using cilantro. I have read that you should not cook cilantro long as it will turn bitter, fresh cilantro, dried may be different. Now before I heard about this I used to make tortilla soup and would throw some cilantro in with the chicken while making the "stock". I didn't notice anything off but have since just added it at the end. Try it and let us know how you like it, sounds interesting.

