Man I had to get another one, just for the bag


Scotty Be

New member
Just got a heck of a deal on a Redhead Genesis, so I was able take my Q200 off daily duty clean it up real nice and pack it up for the next camping trip and football season.
Always browsing CL for a deal, I found a new with tags still attached Q100 in a rolling bag for $50. I originally wanted the 100 for the boat but was happy I got the 200 for the extra room for tailgating. Best of both worlds...I think that rolling bag will be great for my 200 and stand for tailgating, and the 100 will be dedicated to the boat.
So I now have a 100, 200, folding cart, a cover, 20lb adapter hose, rolling duffle bag... I am still under $150 which is less than just a Q100 new after tax in the store.
And I just got a unreal shape Redhead Genesis for $40 with a full tank. Man I got a quit looking at CL. Ha.
I am in the same boat with CL, I find stuff that I don't need but are too good to pass up. My wife is starting to put a limit on my collection. She makes me sell them when I upgrade.
I am a little more subtle about it, I place them in various locations through my residence, one on the patio, one on the side of the house near the patio and a couple in the garage. If they were all on the patio, I would hear it daily.
Michael how often do you find yourself using your Performer considering you have a Genesis and Q 120? Ive had a Performer for a few years,used it a lot, but just ordered a Genesis 330 as I feel I will use it even more because of the gas convenience. I'm looking to buy a Q120 for portability and thinking of selling my Performer to pay for it. Wondering if I'll miss my Performer and regret selling it but I'm not sure how much use it will get once I get the Genny.

