Low cost, non computer connected temp control?



Sorry if this answer is somewhere here on this board already.....

I am interested in a temp control system, but don't want to lay out $200-$300. While I'd love to have the connection to a computer for monitoring and logging capability, I'd be happy with just a fan connected to a thermostat so it will maintain a constant temp. Does such a thing exist?
Unfortunate a system that simple won't work. You will get oscillations because the way the fire works is so erratic in these smokers.

That said, people have built their own systems that cost a lot less but you need to know about electronics.

Also search for "PID" based systems that are general purpose controllers of this sort that people buy ebay and such and put to use.

At the end of the day, unless your time and energy are free, I am afraid you don't really come out ahead relative to $100 you save.
I priced out a NanoQ on The BBQ Guru site - seems like the unit, probe and adapter was either just under or just over $200.

Given what the upper end units cost, this once seems affordable but basic.

My thoughts are if spend $200 on a nano at this point why not spend the extra $70 and get a stoker which is far superior than a nano.
Nothing wrong with a nano but for $70 you get alot more with a stoker.
I've spent the better part of the last 3 years playing with home built control systems. The one thing I've found that seems to always get overlooked is the efficiency of the smoker. I've also found that many people who want a control system, unknown to them, want them because their smokers are so inefficient they cause manual control issues; I certainly was in that category. For the most part, if you control the amount of air that gets sucked through the system, you can do what you are talking about. The oscilating that appears in temperatures is usually caused by changes in ambient conditions. But really, if you have an efficient box, ambient conitions (temperature and wind) shouldn't effect temps. Control this (via gaskets and insulation) and you can simplfy your control process.

I still use my control system when I'm running my horizontal (chargriller offset) but I also built an ugly drum smoker out of a 55 gallon steel drum. It will run 15-20 hours on 1 bag of charcoal, with little to no babysitting; all using manual adjustments.

